1. Visit to South Africa
2. Summer in Canada
3. Never Pay for a Job Offer
4. Can I Work in Canada?
5. Jobs
6. Job Losses due to Low Oil Price, Coal Price and Agriculture
7. Do you Homework.
Cobus Kriek from Matrixvisa Inc will be in South Africa from Saturday, 23 May 2015 until Wednesday, 3 June 2015. Our schedule will be as follows:
- Saturday 23 May – Wednesday 27 May 11 am in Johannesburg:
We will meet clients at the City Lodge directly on the Oliver Tambo Airport (not the City Lodge at Barbara Rd, which is 5 km away from the Airport. Your GPS probably will take you to the City Lodge at Barbara Rd, which is the wrong City Lodge).
- Wednesday 27 May Durban from about 2pm:
The location will be determined shortly.
- Thursday 28 May – Friday 29 May 2 pm in Port Elizabeth:
We will meet clients at the Town Lodge next to the Airport.
- Friday 29 May in Jeffrey’s Bay:
Location will be given to clients.
- Monday 1 June – Wednesday 3 June in Stellenbosch:
Location will be given to clients.
It would be wise to make appointments in advance by contacting me at
The winter that we just experienced was probably the mildest winter we had in 15 years in Canada. I think I only shoveled snow 3 times through this winter, which is a record!
Spring is here and the green leaves are coming out. People are now working in their gardens and the farmers are also in planting season. In the evenings one can smell the barbeques and people venture out to their favorite campsites – it is a real exiting time for us. Today I will be in Ottawa for an Immigration seminar and we expect to reach 29 Celsius tomorrow.
Remember it is illegal to pay for a job offer in many provinces in Canada!
With a few rare exceptions employers in Canada must first attempt to find Canadians before offering a job to a foreign national and a labour shortage must be proven.
An employer must first advertise the job for at least 28 days on 3 locations that is accessible to the public from anywhere in Canada. If the employer does not get any satisfactory applications, they may apply for a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA). The government fees that an employer pays for this LMIA is $1000 or R10 000. If an employer obtains a Provincial Certificate of Nomination, it can also be used as a substitute for the LMIA.
Not only must the employer advertise for 28 days but there must also be a shortage of skilled Canadians for a specific occupation for a specific part of the country. What does labour shortage means? Navigate to Our Site and click on the link “More about Us”. Then read the documents provided at point 8, 22 and 25. Matrixvisa was the first immigration law firm in Canada to have defined the concept of labour shortage.
On 1 January 2015 there were 750 opportunities to emigrate without a job offer from certain provinces. We expect these opportunities will again become available on 1 January 2016. We expect the submissions to fill up in hours of the applications being submitted. This year we will start preparation on 1 August to give us 5 months to prepare all the documents.
The following occupations were available in one province on 1 January 2015:
1111 Financial auditors and accountants
1112 Financial and Investment Analysts
1121 Human Resources Professionals
1125 Purchasing Agents and Officers
2113 Geoscientists and Oceanographers
2131 Civil engineers
2132 Mechanical engineers
2133 Electrical and electronics engineers
2141 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineers
2147 Computer Engineers
2171 Information systems analysts and consultants
2172 Database Analysts and Data Administrators
2173 Software Engineers and Designers
2174 Computer programmers and interactive media developers
2175 Web Designers and Developers
2231 Civil Engineering Technologists and Technicians
2232 Mechanical engineering technologists and technicians
2241 Electrical and electronics engineering technologists and technicians
2253 Drafting Technologists and Technicians
2262 Engineering Inspectors and Regulatory Officers
2282 User support technicians
3012 Registered Nurses
3142 Physiotherapists
3143 Occupational Therapists
3211 Medical Laboratory Technologists and Pathologists’ Assistants
3233 Licensed Practical Nurses
4151 Psychologists
4153 Family, Marriage and Other Related Counselors
6235 Financial Sales Representatives
In another province these positions where available on 1 January 2015
0711Construction Managers
1111Financial Auditors and Accountants
2131 Civil Engineers
2132 Mechanical Engineers
2133 Electrical and Electronics Engineers
2161Mathematicians, Statisticians, and Actuaries
2171Information Systems Analysts and Consultants
2173 Software Engineers and Designers
2174 Computer Programmers and Interactive Media Developers
2211 Chemical Technologists and Technicians
2221Biological Technologists and Technicians
2222Agricultural and Fish Products Inspectors
2232 Mechanical Engineering Technologists and Technicians
2234 Construction Estimators
2241 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technologists and Technicians
2242 Electronic Service Technicians
2253 Drafting Technologists and Technicians
2254 Land Survey Technologists and Technicians
2281 Computer Network Technicians
2282 User Support Technicians
2283 Information Systems Testing Technicians
Social Science, Education, Government and Religion
4011University Professors and Lecturers A No
4163 Business Development Officers and Marketing Researchers and Consultants
6221 Technical Sales Specialists,
7204 Contractors and Supervisors, Carpentry Trades
7205 Contractors and Supervisors, Other Construction Trades, Installers, Repairers and Servicers
7231 Machinists and Tooling Inspectors
7232 Tool and Die Makers
7233 Sheet Metal Workers
7235 Structural Metal and Platework Fabricators and Fitters
7237 Welders and Related Machine Operators
7241 Electricians (except industrial andpower system)
7242 Industrial Electricians
7246 Telecommunications Installation and Repair Workers
7251 Plumbers
7252 Steamfitters, Pipefitters and Sprinkler System Installers
7271 Carpenters
7281 Bricklayers
7282 Concrete Finishers
7283 Tilesetters
7284 Plasterers, Drywall Installers, Finishers and Lathers
7291 Roofers and Shinglers
7292 Glaziers
7293 Insulators
7294 Painters and Decorators (except interior decorators)
7295 Floor Covering Installers
7302 Contractors and Supervisors, Heavy Equipment Operator Crews
7305 Supervisors, Motor Transport and Other Ground Transit Operators
7311 Construction Millwrights and Industrial Mechanics
7312 Heavy-duty Equipment Mechanics
7313 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanics
7316 Machine Fitters
7321 Automotive Service Technicians, Truck and Bus Mechanics and Mechanical Repairers
7322 Motor Vehicle Body Repairer Primary Industry
8232 Oil and Gas Well Drillers, Servicers, Testers and Related Workers
8252 Agricultural Service Contractors, Farm Supervisors and Specialized Livestock Workers
9212 Supervisors, Petroleum, Gas and Chemical Processing and Utilities
9213 Supervisors, Food, Beverage and Associated Products Processing
For the above-mentioned list an applicant had to have 12 months of experience in the preceding 10 years
There was also point system and those with higher points where probably selected instead of those with lower points.
We currently have jobs in different provinces including the following positions:
a. Precision farming expert (employer pay our legal fees)
b. Agriculture Mechanics(employers pay our legal fees)
c. Specialized Engineering positions
d. Farming jobs
e. Automotive mechanics
f. We are waiting for a major employer to make a decision on 28 vacant positions (electricians, millwrights, mechanics and fitters)
g. Overhead Crane Technicians
h. Medical doctors through our associated Barbara Dinkelman from Medrec.
If we cannot find a job for an applicant, we could assist you to find your own employment.
Remember it is illegal to pay anyone for a job offer! However you can pay for an immigration law service.
Worldwide thousands of workers lost their jobs in the metallurgical coal and oil industries. That also affected us, here in Canada. It was reported in Global News in Canada that between January 1 and March 12, 36 Alberta employers notified the provincial government of their plans to terminate a total of 6,630 workers. That’s compared to 7,900 employees in all of 2014. That is about 4 times higher than in 2014. Statistics Canada, said by early January 2015, 13,000 jobs were lost in the Alberta’s natural resource sector from September 2014 and Jan 2015 (4 months). Also in January 2015, the Canadian Association of Oil well Drilling Contractors predicted 167 fewer drilling rigs in the field compared to 2014, resulting in the layoffs of 3,400 rig workers with the loss of another 19,500 indirect jobs.
However the unemployment rate in Canada is still between 4,5 and 6,5 percent, depending in which province one looks at. In South Africa, the unemployment rate is close to 45 % or higher. Therefore the job losses in Canada have not resulted in very high unemployment rates compared to many other countries such as South Africa.
We have been contacted by dozens of people in South Africa and from Australia whom paid thousands to an immigration agency that is located in Cape Town, South Africa. The company in Cape Town made false promises and gave very bad immigration advice. We believe not a single employee at this company in Cape Town is an authorized immigration consultant that may practice immigration law. We found at least one individual in Cape Town that has also committed fraud in an immigration application as well by making a false signature.
Another employee of a sister company in Canada has committed an offence under the Immigration Act. We reported the offence in Canada to the Canadian Border Service Agency this week and hope the person will be prosecuted.
Please spread the word to your friends: Before appointing and pay money to anyone please ask the company who the authorized representative is that will handle their application – one whom may by law practice immigration law. Once you have the name speak to this authorized representative as a second step.
In terms of Section 91 (1) and (7) (a) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act of Canada a paid representative must be a member in good standing with:
1. the Immigration Consultant of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC) See
2. law society of a province;
3. anotary in the province of Quebec (Chambre des notaires du Québec);
Furthermore, when someone is a real estate agent (selling homes) and also an authorized immigration representative, ask your self if the person is a true immigrant expert. Is immigration law not side line /part time job?
If the person has been an immigration representative, how long have they been practicing immigration law? Have they published any immigration law articles? When did they qualify, one year ago or 10 years ago?
We often receive this question: “How many people do we bring to Canada?” The person asking this type of question is attempting to determine whether we are competent. If you need to know more about Matrixvisa Inc, navigate to Our Site and click on the link “Our Achievments ” Then read my affidavit to Federal Court at point 23.
If you deal with any recruiter also ensure that the recruiter is licensed in the province where the job is. Why? If you use an unlicensed recruiter your LMIA could be revoked and your work permit cancelled.
Contact us direct if you have question. We can be reached at:
- 087-750-0341 South African number after 5 pm South Africa time (answered in Canada) when Matrixvisa personnel are in Canada
- 076-381-0053 Cell number you can use during my South African visit and only active during visits to South Africa
- 00-1-780-409-0931 X 101 office in Canada or
- 00-1-604-395-0801 X 101 office in Canada
- 00-1-403-710-7156 Canada Cell number
See you in South Africa and hopefully later in Canada!
All the best,
Cobus Kriek