Class Action for Parental Sponsorship

Feb 22, 2021 | Current News

A Vancouver based litigator (barrister/advocate) is in the process of launching a class action lawsuit. This lawsuit will be against the government with regards to the sponsorship process.

The design of IRCC lottery system was to allow one lottery ticket per child or grandchild. In other words, the number of lottery tickets for a parent or grandparent wanting to apply for permanent residence, varied by the number of children or grandchildren eligible to sponsor.

A parent or grandparent having one child or one grandchild eligible to sponsor could receive one lottery ticket. A parent or grandparent having four children or grandchildren eligible to sponsor could receive four lottery tickets.

In other words, the structural design of the IRCC lottery system for the purpose of determining which parents and grandparents could apply for permanent residence gave a mathematical advantage. Meaning multiple lottery tickets to all parents or grandparents having two or more children or grandchildren eligible to sponsor. This adversely impacted all parents or grandparents having only one child or grandchild eligible to sponsor.

The structural design of the IRCC lottery system created an objective mathematical advantage that varied by the number of children or grandchildren eligible to sponsor. Nothing in the law, regulation, guidelines, or Ministerial Instructions favours family reunification of large families over small families.

The legal fees for the Federal Court case are $1500 inclusive of all disbursements and applicable taxes. Fees are paid directly to the litigator.  If the case is settled by IRCC at any time, legal fees in final payment are an additional $10,000.

If you need to participate contact Matrixvisa ( by 28 Feb 2021