Cost of Living

 “Quality of Life” vs. “Cost of Living” in Canada

Many foreign nationals are asking questions about the ‘quality of life’ in Canada. When one enquires further, it becomes clear that in many cases a question about ‘quality of life’ actually equates to a question about the ‘cost of living’. In this section we will explain that ‘quality of life’ and ‘cost of living’ are very different concepts that may correlate.

Careful analyses show that ‘quality of life’ is affected by many different factors, including the following:

    • Income
    • Taxes
    • Ability to enjoy physical environment through activities (e.g. organized sport and activities like fishing or hiking).
    • Exposure to crime and other types of socially unacceptable behavior
    • Cost of living (and the exchange rate).

The question of ‘quality of life’ is therefore complex and requires a detailed answer.

Before discussing some of the concepts of the larger concept of  ‘quality of life’, a comment about the future is highly relevant. Most economic immigrants decide to leave their countries of Citizenship as they believe that their future is threatened. Such threats could be criminal, political or economic in nature. Some threats are immediate and very serious.  When some individuals ask questions about ‘quality of life’ in Canada, they tend to forget or deliberately ignore the actual reasons for emigrating (crime, etc) and only focus on the ‘cost of living’ or how much they can buy with their earnings after arrival.

Ultimately, it is important to consider all relevant factors (not just disposable income) before making a personal judgment about ‘quality of life’ in Canada.

Our standard response to people that has an excessive focus on how much money that will earn after arrival or about their spending power is as follows:

a. Foreign nationals are paid the prevailing wage of Canadian citizens in the same occupation. A foreign national coming to Canada with a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) or a provincial certificate of nomination must be paid the prevailing wage:

    • In the case of an LMIA, Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulation 203 dictates that the prevailing wage must be paid.
    • In the case of a provincial certificate of nomination, payment of the prevailing wage is not legislated, but all provinces follow the same rule about the prevailing wage.

Therefore an immigrant that comes to Canada under these two methods must get paid what Canadians get paid in a similar position in the same part of the country. It is suggested that immigrants don’t make too many demands before arrival. After arrival, an immigrant can prove themselves to the Canadian employer and labour market in Canada, and their wage can be adjusted accordingly.

b.  Commit to your decision. After the Spanish Captain, Cortez and his men landed in Mexico in 1519, he apparently said to his men: “burn the ships”. Whether it is true or not is the issue. The message is: “retreat or giving up is easy when you have an option.” Immigrants should stop having monetary demands before their arrival: “If I earn this or that, then I will be happy and or satisfied”. If a newcomer proves him or herself in the labour market, the market will ensure that an immigrant will be paid what they are worth.


Salaries are high for many different types of journeyman (artisans). In most cases we have seen up to a 3-fold increase in wages when South African journeyman or doctors move from South Africa to Canada. 

This following report was compiled in 2024 using the full 12 month data source from 2023:

    • Alberta: $73,612 per year
    • British Columbia: $70,847 per year
    • Manitoba: $59,391 per year
    • New Brunswick: $59,151 per year
    • Nova Scotia: $57,378 per year
    • Ontario: $70,160 per year
    • Prince Edward Island: $55,358 per year
    • Quebec: $66,218 per year
    • Saskatchewan: $63,359 per year
    • Yukon: $66,605 per year
    • Northwest Territories: $79,446 per year
    • Nunavut: $79,881 per year


How to Compare Prices

If a loaf of bread costs C$1.99 (100 whole wheat)  in Canada (January 2025) some would say that is about R25.54 (based on an exchange rate of R12.83 = C$1) and quickly think how expensive life in Canada must be, as a loaf of bread in South Africa is only R17.99 (Sasko Premium brown bread). Sources: and

This type of calculation is erroneous because many occupations earn double or three times more in Canada when compared to South Africa. The cost of a loaf of bread should be compared against the salary earned by an individual, tax paid and other expenses (e.g. education). The cost of a specific item should be considered in the context of an individual’s total budget and spending power.

When one reviews the cost of living in any country it is important to understand how the decimal system operates. In 30 countries of the world the decimal mark is a comma, but in English speaking Canada it is period/full stop.  Therefore in South Africa the custom is to write R10,99 but in English speaking Canada the custom is to write $5.99. It is also interesting to note that in French speaking Canada the comma is used (similar to South Africa). After arrival immigrants should follow the local Canadian custom. More can be read about this topic at:

Taxes January 2025

Canadians (and foreign workers) are subject to both federal and provincial taxes, which are assessed according to their annual income.

Canadian Federal Tax

Federal taxes on annual income of individuals are calculated as follows:

      • 15% on the portion of taxable income that is $57,375 or less, plus
      • 20.5% on the portion of taxable income over $57,375 up to $114,750, plus
      • 26% on the portion of taxable income over $114,750 up to $177,882, plus
      • 29% on the portion of taxable income over $177,882 up to $253,414, plus
      • 33% on the portion of taxable income over $253,414


Canadian 2024 Provincial Taxes on Annual Income are as Follows:

Provincial taxes on annual income of individuals are calculated as follows:


10% on the first $148,269 of taxable income, plus
12% on $148,269.01 up to $177,922, plus
13% on $177,922.01 up to $237,230, plus
14% on $237,230.01 up to $355,845, plus
15% on the amount over $355,845

British Columbia

5.06% on the first $47,937 of taxable income, plus
7.7% on $47,937.01 up to $95,875, plus
10.5% on $95,875.01 up to $110,076, plus
12.29% on $110,076.01 up to $133,664, plus
14.7% on $133,064.01 up to $181,232, plus
16.8% on $181,232.01 up to $252,752, plus
20.5% on the amount over $252,752


10.8% on the first $47,000 of taxable income, plus
12.75% on $47,000.01 up to $100,000, plus
17.4% on the amount over $100,000

Newfoundland and Labrador

8.7% on the first $43,198 of taxable income, plus
14.5% on $43,198.01 up to $86,395, plus
15.8% on the next $86,395.01 up to $154,244, plus
17.8% on $154,244.01 up to $215,943, plus
19.8% on $215,943.01 up to $275,870, plus
20.8% on $275,870.01 up to $551,739, plus
21.3% on $551,739.01 up to $1,103,478, plus
21.8% on any amount over $1,103,478

New Brunswick

9.4% on the first $49,958 of taxable income, plus
14% on $49,958.01 up to $99,916, plus
16% on $99,916.01 up to $185,064, plus
19.5% on the amount over $185,064

Northwest Territories

5.9% on the first $50,597 of taxable income, plus
8.6% on $50,597.01 up to $101,198, plus
12.2% on $101,198.01 up to $164,525, plus
14.05% on the amount over $164,525

Nova Scotia

8.79% on the first $29,590 of taxable income, plus
14.95% on $29,590.01 up to $59,180, plus
16.67% on $59,180.01 up to $93,000, plus
17.5% on $93,000.01 up to $150,000, plus
21% on the amount over $150,000


4% on the first $53,268 of taxable income, plus
7% on $53,268.01 up to $106,537, plus
9% on $106,537.01 up to $173,205, plus
11.5% on the amount over $173,2059.65% on the first $32,656 of taxable income, plus
13.63% on $32,656.01 up to $64,313, plus
16.65% on $64,313.01 up to $105,000, plus
18.00% on $105,000.01 up to $140,000, plus
18.75% on the amount over $140,000


5.05% on the first $51,446 of taxable income, plus
9.15% on $51,446.01 up to $102,894, plus
11.16% on $102,894.01 up to $150,000, plus
12.16% on $150,000.01 up to $220,000, plus
13.16% on the amount over $220,000

Price Edward Island

9.65% on the first $32,656 of taxable income, plus
13.63% on $32,656.01 up to $64,313, plus
16.65% on $64,313.01 up to $105,000, plus
18.00% on $105,000.01 up to $140,000, plus
18.75% on the amount over $140,000


10.5% on the first $52,057 of taxable income, plus
12.5% on $52,057.01 up to $148,734, plus
14.5% on the amount over $148,734


6.4% on the first $55,867 of taxable income, plus
9% on $55,867.01 up to $111,733, plus
10.9% on $111,733.01 up to $173,205, plus
12.8% on $173,205.01 up to $500,000, plus
15% on the amount over $500,000


The combination of these tax rates are obviously high, but taxpayers do get value for money through free provincial medical services, good schools and effective police services – just to name a few.

Many citizens of countries such as South Africa pay thousands of Rands for private medical insurance, private schools and private armed response/security guards, because the government cannot provide these services to the taxpayers.

General Sales Tax

All provinces have General Sales tax of 5% on all goods and services.

Some supplies of goods and services are taxable at the rate of 0% (zero-rated). GST is charged at a rate of 0% on these supplies. Some common examples of zero-rated supplies of property and services are:

      • basic groceries such as milk, bread, and vegetables;
      • agricultural products such as grain and raw wool;
      • prescription drugs and drug-dispensing fees; and
      • medical devices such as hearing aids and artificial teeth

Provincial Sales Tax

Most provinces have about 7-8% tax rate on goods and services. Alberta does not have any Provincial Sales Tax.

Cost of Automobiles

The best website to look at car prices are The website “Autotrader” is primarily for second hand / used vehicles. A used car could offer more value for money.  Obtaining financing for new vehicles could be a serious challenge for new immigrants without a credit history in Canada.

In January 2054, new 2 liter Toyota Corolla in Canada (has 8 possible models) is CAD26,852 or about R344,736 (Source: while Toyota 2 liter XR in South Africa is R599 500 ( ). Therefore, South Africa is 42 % more expensive.

It is also worth noting that the gap between new and used cars in Canada, is smaller compared to places like South Africa.

Cost of Medical Services & Schools

Medical services are free and held at a high standard. Most employers provide medical benefits for medicine, dental and ophthalmic services.

Elementary, primary and secondary schools are completely free. Secondary school is the name for high schools in Canada.

Cost of Post Secondary Education

Post high school education is called post secondary education. This includes colleges, trade schools or university education.

Post secondary education is expensive, but children will be able to find a job on completion of their studies. There is a scheme in Ontario called Ontario Student Assistance Program (see, which helps students (and their parents) with money for college or university, with a very low interest rate payable only 6 months after the student graduates and commences to work.  Most banks also give student loans for further studies, also at very low interest rates.

Children can go to school, college or university without fear of being attacked. The daughter of our principal immigration consultant Jacobus Kriek, often took the train ‘downtown’ Toronto and back with her friends or individually.

Cost of Public Transport

Public transport is very effective. City and inter-city bus and train systems are safe and generally clean. This is another benefit you receive for paying taxes.

In the province Alberta, the city of Calgary has an aboveground train called the C-train ( A ticket costs $3.80 for an adult, $2.55 for a youth, and children under 12 and seniors (over 65) ride free. A monthly pass costs $118 per adult, and $84 per child.

In the province of Ontario, the city of Toronto, has a train called the TTC (Toronto Transit Commission – A TTC ticket is $3.35 for an adult, $2.40 for youth, seniors (over 65) for $2.30, and children under 12 ride free. A monthly ticket costs $156 for adults and $128 for youth, post secondary students and seniors.

In the province of Ontario, the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) also has a GoTransit System ( that transports 240,700 riders each day during the work week. The passengers are transported into the city from surrounding communities including: Peterborough, Durham, York, Dufferin, Waterloo, Wellington, Brantford, Peel, Halton, Hamilton, and Niagara.

In the province of British Columbia, the city of Vancouver, has train called TransLink ( A TransLink ticket is charged based on the distance travelled out of the city of Vancouver. Zone 1 is for the entirety of Vancouver, Zone 2 covers the immediate surrounding municipalities: New Westminster, Richmond, Burnaby, North and West Vancouver; and Zone 3 covers the exterior municipalities: Surrey, Port Moody and Coquitlam. The costs are as follows: $3.20 for Zone 1, $4.65 for Zone 2, and $6.35 for Zone 3. When a card is purchased from TransLink, the cardholder can store value on the card and ride for $0.60-$1.45 cheaper depending on the Zone travelled to. A monthly ticket costs $$107.30 for Zone 1, $143.50 for Zone 2, and $193.80 for Zone 3.

In my view, public transport in Canada provides a great service while being affordable, safe, and convenient.

Cost of Electronics and Communication

Electronics in Canada are very affordable. A business such as “Best Buy” (see has regular cheap deals for various electronics. Prices from Best Buy can be compared with to get the best deals.

High speed internet costs on average between CAD$100-$150 per month. You could consider providers such as:

  • Rogers
  • Shaw
  • Bell
  • Telus
  • Cogeco

Most cell phone plans include free local phone calls, and many providers are making all national calls within Canada free as well. You could consider providers such as:

  • Rogers
  • Bell
  • Telus
  • Virgin Mobile
  • Koodoo
  • Sasktel
  • Freedom Mobile

Cost of Heating

Heating costs are higher in Canada than many third world or developing countries (which are usually in warmer climates).

Heating costs make up about 80% of the utility bills of Canadians. Provinces that have the highest utility bills include North West Territories, Nunavut and Nova Scotia. The provinces with the lowest utility bills are Quebec, Manitoba and British Columbia.

On average (according to the, Canadians spend at least CAD 135 per month to keep their houses warm. Heating homes with natural gas can increase the cost up to CAD 160 per month. Unfortunately, these prices keep increasing with electrical heat seeing an increase of 1.5% in 2024, and natural gas increasing by 23.7%.


Cost of Alcohol & Tobacco

Alcohol and tobacco is expensive in Canada.

For example, a case of 24 beers (Lakeport Lager or Black label) is CAD38.99 for 24 beers, approximately $1.62 (R21.12) per beer. A bottle of wine starts at about CAD7.49 or R97.66 per bottle.

Cost of Real Estate and Mortgages

Interest rates for mortgages are about 4-5 % in Canada for a 5 year fixed rate. See: Variable mortgages are often lower.

The prices of property in every town varies and can be viewed at  – not all properties are listed on this website, but it gives the reader a general idea. Property is usually a good investment in the long term.

However, there are important indications of a Canadian Housing crash in the coming 1-2 years (2025- 2026). Our suggestion is to do research by searching the following on YouTube: “Canada housing crash”. You could follow Jon Flyn Real Estate Stats that predicts a crash in the next 6-12 months. The bank of Montreal expect that it would take until 2029 to recover.

Immigrants in small towns should be careful if they live in a town where there are only 1 or 2 large employers. If the employer is an exporter of metallurgical coal, the town’s real estate could be affected by the international price of steel.

Many people thinking about immigration to Canada have told me that property is too expensive in Vancouver or Toronto.

The Greater Toronto Area (GTA) is home to approximately 7 million people and includes 25 municipalities – not just one. It is important to understand that the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) consist of regional Municipalities or regions, including the:

    • Peel Region with the cities of Mississauga, Brampton and Caledon;
    • Durham Region with the cities of Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, Pickering and Bowmanville;
    • Halton Region with the cities such as of Oakville, Burlington and Milton; and
    • York Region with the Cities of Toronto, Aurora, King, Markham,  and Newmarket, etc.

When reference is made to the cost of housing of Toronto, reference is made to one of the 25 Municipalities of the Greater Toronto Area or the City of Toronto (and not an average of all 25 municipalities).  For example, a house in Toronto could cost $2 million, whereas a house in Burlington (35 km west of downtown Toronto) could cost $100,000.

Similarly, the Greater Vancouver Area (GVA) has about 2.2 million people in 13 Municipalities, including the cities of Surrey, Vancouver, Mission, Chilliwack, Abbotsford, Langley, White Rock, Burnaby, Maple Ridge, Pitt Meadows, Richmond, North Vancouver, West Vancouver. The City of Vancouver has 2 sections Vancouver West and Vancouver East.

When a reference is made to the cost of housing in ‘Vancouver’, it is normally made with specific reference the City of Vancouver, which is just one of 13 municipalities; it is not an average of all the 13 municipalities of the GVA. For example, a house  in the City of Vancouver might cost that cost $2 million, while a house in the City of Maple Ridge (which is 35 km East of Vancouver) might cost $1 million. Many people live in surrounding municipalities and travel to Vancouver via train every day.

Other cities like Calgary is one city without smaller municipalities. Therefore, a Calgary house price is a Calgary house price.

In the past 10 years, the price of accommodation in many of the major cities has skyrocketed. There are many discussions about a ‘housing bubble’ and decreased affordability in certain cities. Research: “housing bubble in Canada” and see what is reported. Pay attention to which locations could have overvalued housing markets, as some parts of the country (especially small towns of certain provinces) are not directly affected.

Furthermore, Canada has in the past 10 years seen a drastic rise in the cost of houses. Without a massive down payment, the probability of an immigrant owning a house in the GTA or GVA is small.

Price of Freedom & Safety

It is also relevant to determine why one would work and live in Canada.

Is the peace of mind of a stable future and safety in your home something that one can measure in terms of dollars? We do not believe so.

Future & Value of Pension

To determine a possible future in a new country, one should weight multiple factors.

The people asking questions regarding the purchasing power of their income, should also attempt to determine the economic and political history of Canada over the past 10-20 years and compare it with that of their own country. 

One should look ahead and determine the value of a pension in Canada and compare it against a country such as South Africa. Individuals should consider predictions regarding the economic future of a country to determine the likelihood and potential of pension payouts or retirement planning. 

Many highly skilled people are not thinking ahead, and are not making individual predictions concerning the future – as many people did not do in Zimbabwe.

Essentially, this is not just a question about the price of milk in two countries, but a question about the future and the risks involved in an individual’s choices.

Cost of Food and Household Consumables, Considering the Price Comparison

A comparison was made between the prices of a basket of goods: Canada vs. South Africa in February 2025. In Canada the prices were selected from The Canadian Superstore and in South Africa the prices of goods at Pick and Pay (comparable type of stores). This is obviously not a 100% scientific test. Many products are subject to seasonal fluctuations.

One interesting thing to note is the large variety of choice of products in Canada. It is not uncommon to shop for tomatoes and have to choose between 9 or 10 types of tomatoes. A funny example can be used to show the difference in diversity of choices available to shoppers in Canada. During October 2015 a well-known retailer in South Africa had ‘Old Spice’ (men’s deodorant) for sale. There was only one fragrance available on the shelf, which was the traditional fragrance of ‘Old Spice’, called ‘Original’ in Canada. At the same time in Canada, 14 varieties of ‘Old Spice’ were available: Champion, Swagger, Timber, Lion Pride, Bear Glove, Amber, Denali, Pure Sport, Crest, World Throne, Fiji, Citron, Game Day, Original, Fresh and Arctic Force. So be prepared for an overload of choices after arrival!

We also made a similar price comparison during November 2004 when the exchange rate was about R5 for C$1. By Oct 2015 the value of the Rand dropped to around R10 for C$1, which means the cost of Canadian goods skyrocketed in comparative terms (South African Rands). Therefore one can multiply the cost of Canadian goods by a factor of 10 to obtain an approximate price in Rands in Oct 2015. However, as mentioned earlier this is not good logic as salaries in Canada are generally higher than in South Africa; you will be earning the more powerful dollar. Potential immigrants should also consider the expected further depreciation of the Rand in the near future.

Here is a comparison of several products based prices in Canada and South Africa.

Please note that prices are constantly changing, but according to research preformed early February 2025 we can provide a rough cost of living analysis on food.

Product Canada Price
South Africa Price
Difference between
Canada & South Africa
Potatoes $5.99
for 2.26 kg (about 5 lbs)
$2.65 per kg
R29.30 per kg The price in Canada is about 40 % cheaper
Bananas $1.50 per kg R9,95 per kg About the same price
Navel Oranges $4.14 per kg R9,99
per kg
Double the price in Canada
Tomatoes $2.84
per kg
per kg
About 30% more expensive in Canada
Onions $1.36 per kg R23,99 per kg South African is about 300% more expensive
$0.84 R16,49
per 75 ml
South Africa is about 30% more expensive
Whole Chicken
per kg
per kg
Canada is a bit cheaper
$2.00 R15,99 Canada is about 30 % cheaper
Evaporated Milk $2.00
for 354 ml
for 380 grams
Canada is about 50% cheaper
Nestle Milo $12.99 for 900 grams R46,95 for 500 grams The price per gram is about the same
Salad Dressing $3.59 for 425 ml R29,99 for 200 grams Canada is a bit cheaper
Olive Oil
(Extra Virgin)
$11.49 for 500 ml R114 for 500 ml Canada is about 50 % cheaper
$5.97 for 890 ml R61,99 for 789 ml Canada is about 50 % cheaper
Milk $4.85 for 2 liters R21,99 for 2 liters Canada’s price is double that the South African price
(Whole Wheat)
$2.99 for 570g R11,99 for 700g bread Canada’s price is about double than the South African price
Nescafe Coffee $5.99 for 170g R58,90 for 200 grams Canada’s price is about double than the South African price
Vicka Actaplus $11.49 for 236 ml
(called Dayquil in Canada)
R61,99 150 ml Canada is much cheaper
Tissues (Kleenex) $1.00 for a box R25,99
(100 Kleenex Tissues)
Canada’s price is about 50 % cheaper
Couscous $2.49 for 350g R36,99 for 275g Canada is about ….
Can Of Beans $1.44 for a can of 398 ml R8,49 400g Canada is slightly more expensive
Orea Cookies $4.49 for 270 grams R17,99 for 176 grams Canada is slightly cheaper
Frozen Corn
$2.59 for 750g R33,99 for 1kg Canada is slightly cheaper
Butter $5.79 for 454g R41,99 for 500g Canada is slightly cheaper
Margarine $6.99 for 850g R37,90 per kg Canada is slightly cheaper
Kellogg’s All Bran $11.99 for 1050g R59,99 for 1 kg About the same price
Canned Tuna $0.97 for 170 grams R15,99 for 170 grams Canada is about 30 % cheaper
Spaghetti $2.99 for 900g R15,59 for 500 grams Canada is 3 time cheaper
Dish Washing
$1.97 for 828 ml R49,90 for 750 ml Canada is 5 times cheaper
Baking Flour $3.79 for 2.5 kg R21,99 for 2,5 kg Canada’s price is double
Diapers (Pampers) $22.99 for 128 diapers
(size 5)
R199,99,for 52 diapers of size 9-14 South Africa’s price is double that of Canada
AA Batteries $11 for 10
R51,99 for 4
South Africa is a bit more expensive
Sunlight Detergent $9.97 for 4 liter R44,99 for 1,5 liter Canada is about 30 % more expensive
Sugar $3.47 for 2 kg R31,99 for 2,5 kg About the same price
Tomato Sauce
$4.99 for 1 liter R24,99 for 750 ml Canada is a little bit more expensive
Peanut Butter $6.49 for 1 kg R45,89 for 800g Canada is about 30 % cheaper
Eggs $4.64 for 12 eggs R34,90 for 24 eggs Canada is about double the price
White Rice $9.99 for 4 kg R35,99 for 2 kg South Africa is slightly more expensive
Potato Chips $3.50 for 220 grams R19,99 for 200 grams
About the same price
Water $1.69 for 4 liter R20,99 for 5 liter About the same price
(Old Spice)
$5.29 for 85 grams R46,99 for 50 ml Canada
is much cheaper & the Canadian
stick is about double the size
Toilet Paper $7.00
for 12 rolls or
about $1.60 for a role
R54,99 for 6 rolls or
about R10 for a role
Canada is a little bit more expensive
Paper Towels $8 for 6 rolls R18,99 for 2 rolls (52 sheets) Canada is about 30 % cheaper
Cheddar Cheese $8.79 for 700g R74,60 for 1 kg Canada is about 20 % cheaper








































For what it is worth, here are some retailers in Canada: