Canadian Pet Regulations
Important Excerpts (from website above)
The following outlines the current conditions that apply to the import of pet dogs into Canada. The conditions are different depending on the origin of the dogs, ie. rabies-free countries (Section 3) vs. non-rabies-free countries (Section 2). For the importation of commercial shipments, please see Section 6 below for information on accessing import requirements through the Automated Import Reference System
- NOTE 1 Current policy does not impose quarantine in Canada on the import of pet dogs from any country.
- NOTE 2 These conditions apply only to pet dogs. If you have many dogs you may be asked to provide certification that they are your personal pets and are not for resale.
- NOTE 3 These conditions also apply to temporary visits and in-transit
- visits.
- NOTE 4 Before proceeding, please determine if the country of the pet (country of export) is recognized by Canada as a Rabies-Free Country.
Other Sections
Select the section that pertains to your import requirements:
SECTION 1 – Pet dogs eight (8) months of age or younger from ANY country
SECTION 2 – Pet dogs three (3) months of age or over from countries where rabies is present (or not recognized officially rabies-free by Canada)
SECTION 3 – Pet dogs three (3) months of age or over from a Rabies-Free Country (officially recognized as such by Canada)
SECTION 4 – Special purpose dogs
Assistance dogs that are certified as a guide, hearing or other service
dog are not subject to any restrictions for importation where the person importing the dog is the user of the dog and accompanies the dog to Canada
SECTION 5 – Inspection Fees
SECTION 6 – Automated Import Reference System (AIRS). The purpose of the AIRS is to provide information on import requirements for all commodities regulated by CFIA. The application uses a question and answer approach to guide the user through a series of questions about the HS Codes, origin, destination, end use and miscellaneous qualifiers of the product they wish to import.
If you are importing dogs and the above conditions do not apply, to view the current import requirements, please refer to Automated Import Reference System (AIRS) website.
HS Code Selection: 01 06 19 2083.
SECTION 7 – Commercial breeders who may be importing dogs under eight (8)months of age on a temporary basis for competition in a show or trial, may be exempt from requiring a permit if, at the time of importation, the importer provides an inspector with proof that the dog is entered in a show or trial organized by a recognized association in addition to the rabies certificate set out in Section 3 if from a Rabies-free country or set out under Section 2 if from a country that is not designated as Rabies-free.
Who can help you?
Companies that could assist you to bring your pet(s) to Canada:
Self-help Clients have the following to say:
(For English scroll down to the bottom of page):
Client 1:
“Ons het 4 jaar gelede na Kanada gekom en ons GROOT sheperd sowel as 2 katte het saamgekom. Ons het alles self gereel en NIE van ‘n maatskappy gebruik gemaak nie. Op daardie stadium was hulle quotes ongeveer 2 tot 3 maal duurder as die koste van alles self organiseer. Daar is ook GEEN kwarentyn tydperk nie.
Al wat ons moes doen, was die vlugte reel (ons vlug was Jhb-Frankfurt-Calgary, maar blykbaar is KLM baie goed met diere), gesondheidsertifikate kry van ‘n veearts wat stel dat hulle gesond is en ‘n bewys dat hulle rabies inentings gehad het in die afgelope jaar.
Die koste hang absoluut af van die grootte van die hok waarin hulle reis. Ons 2 katte was saam in ‘n hokkie en was spot goedkoop (R900). Die sheperd was in ‘n groot hok en was relatief duur (R4500). Meeste
lugdienste het goeie inligting op hulle websites (soos grootte van hok
wat hulle aanbeveel en selfs kwotasies vir die vlug.
Al hierdie inligting is omtrent 4 jaar oud, so jy moet dalk van alles dubbel seker maak. Daar is geen manier hoe ons nie ons diere sou saambring nie. Die feit dat Kanada geen kwarentyn het nie was actually 1 van die oorwegings om hierheen te kom.
Die sheperd was redelik getraumatiseer deur die hele ervaring (hy is bietjie van ‘n highly strung hond), maar die katte het dit geweldig goed hanteer.”
Client 2:
“Die vereiste om honde na Kanada te bring is baie eenvoudig (weet nou nie van katte nie), jy moet wys dat hulle die 5 in 1 gehad het en dat hulle teen hondsdolheid inge-ent is minstens 30 voor hulle vertrek….maar nie langer as 1 jaar terug nie. Wat ons gedoen het, ons het vir ou Buks 2 maande voor die tyd in elk geval sy 5 in 1 laat kry en toe sommer die hondsdolheid ook laat doen. Dien res doen Glaobal Paws vir jou (Staats veearts gedoente).
Bring hulle man …. mens los so baie dinge agter….ons kon nie vir Buks ook los nie.”
Summary in English – Client 1:
Client came to Canada with 2 cats and a big dog (German Sheppard) 4 years ago. They arranged everything themselves. First they got a letter from a Vet that specified their pets were in good health and vaccinated against Rabies. Secondly, they had to book plane tickets (paid according to cage size). They also said that KLM’s service is good regarding pets.
Summary in English – Client 2:
Client said that they only had to make sure that their dog was vaccinated (5-in-1 shot) and that the animal had a Rabies shot not longer than 30 days before leaving for Canada. They used a company “Gloabal Paws” to do the rest.

Our office pooch, Maksie.